Steve Jurvetson Marriage Info

American entrepreneur and venture capitalist (1967 - present)

Who is Steve Jurvetson's wife?

Steve Jurvetson has been married twice. Most recently they were married to Genevieve Jurvetson in 2018.

When did Steve Jurvetson get married?

Steve Jurvetson was first married in 1990 to Karla Jurvetson. They were last married in 2018 to Genevieve Jurvetson.

Who was Steve Jurvetson's first wife?

According to our records, Steve Jurvetson's first wife was Karla Jurvetson (they were married in 1990).

How long has Steve Jurvetson been married for?

Steve Jurvetson was married to Karla Jurvetson for 28 years, and Genevieve Jurvetson for 6 years.
Their longest marriage (that we know of) has been 28 years to Karla Jurvetson.

How many times has Steve Jurvetson been married?

Steve Jurvetson has been married twice (that we know of).

When did Steve Jurvetson get divorced?

Steve Jurvetson was divorced in 2018 from Karla Jurvetson

How many times has Steve Jurvetson been divorced?

Steve Jurvetson has been divorced once (that we know of), in 2018.

Who is Steve Jurvetson's ex-wife?

According to our records, Steve Jurvetson's ex-wife is Karla Jurvetson (they were divorced in 2018).

SpouseMarriedMarriage End
Karla Jurvetson19902018
Genevieve Jurvetson2018
Information last researched and checked by Wendy

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